Well, we are now promoting, for a limited time, an awesome preorder campaign, courtesy of the wonderful indie bookstore Books of Wonder!!! When you preorder from Books of Wonder, the first 200 customers will get....
a signed copy,
a limited edition Ravka map created by artist Keith Thompson,
and one of these cool Shadow and Bone buttons!
This opportunity alone should make any reader excited!
But on top of that, Joanna Volpe would like to provide further incentive for you to preorder the book by TOMORROW, May 16, AT 3 pm EST through the Books of Wonder pre-order campaign.
If you do this, Joanna is offering a full manuscript critique (it must be a work of fiction) to a writer OR, if you're just a reader, a five book package of Nancy Coffey Literary titles of your choosing. So there are prizes for all!
How to Enter:
Step 1. Order your copy through Books of Wonder here.
Step 2. Leave your name and email in a comment on this blog post.
And that is IT.
We will verify with Books of Wonder if you have indeed pre-ordered by the cut off time. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
***This is open to International Participants, too!
***Anyone who has already followed Step 1 prior to today can enter!
We will announce the winner on Monday, May 21, 2012.
For more details on the book, the author, and other fun swag offers and whatnot, check back on the authors blog here.
So, if you're interested (and we hope you are), head over to the Books of Wonder website or call them at 212-989-3475 to put in your pre-order now.
A new book and the chance to win a full MS critique from Joanna Volpe?! Count me in!
Laura Moss
laurajmoss (at) gmail.com
Super excited to read this book, a welcomed side track to my otherwise contemp traveled road. I was into this BEFORE I knew of the all the haps! #YAY! & since I've been WAITING FOREVER for you! lol, hopefully I'll be the one.
Good Luck everyone!
Ann Marie Frohoff
frocreates (at) aol.com
Just placed my order. This is so fantastic. I had already planned on ordering this book but once I saw that Joanna was offering a full critique as a prize I knew I had to do it NOW. Thank you so much for this oppportunity. I can't wait to read SHADOW AND BONE! Fingers crossed I'm in early enough to get the signed copy, button and gorgeous map.Definitely a win-win!
Thank you!
Count me in too! Sounds like a great book and an incredible opportunity.
Thank you!
Jayme Abbott
Lynne Hartzer
This is very generous considering I was already going to purchase this book.
Jessica LeSaicherre
It's one of my most looked-forward-to books this year -- so a signed book and a chance to win a critique? Awesome!
Thanh Vu
thanhgvu [at] gmail [dot] com
Thank you so much! This is incredibly awesome and generous! Can't wait to read the book! Also *fingers crossed!* a MS critique from Joanna Volpe would be a dream!
Katie (Katherine) O'Shea
Dang it. If only today was pay day.
What a great offer and I can't wait to read the book!
Samantha, sambohrman@gmail.com
Now, if only I can type in the I'm-not-a-robot code...
Done! I watched the trailer just last night and so I'm excited to read it. Thank you!
Ruth Josse
How can I resist this? I can't. Not at all.
Liz Parker
elizabethmaryparker (at) gmail (dot) com
This is too awesome, count me in!
I was planning to download the book on my kindle when it came out, but this is sooo much better. A signed hard copy and a possible full manuscript critique!
You had to sweeten an already amazing deal for a great book? Sold.
heatherzundel [At] gmail dot com
The book sounds incredible, and hooray for indie bookstores :)
Rachel Searles
(book was purchased with my married name, Altan)
I'd heard some buzz about the book, so I was watching for it anyway. And now, a chance for a critique! Count me in.
hawke AT sonic DOT net
(book purchased under non-nom de plume, Davis)
thank you! Hope this goes well. Book sounds super!
I've kind of been dying to read Shadow & Bone since I first heard about it because I can never get enough of YA fantasy. And I preordered from Books of wonder at the beginning of the month becaus Hello MAP OF PURE AWESOME! The Map was actually the first thing I saw of the book when someone tweeted it and the illustration of the Unsea is what made me so intrigued in the first place. Anyway, a possible critique is just an added bonus! Can't wait to read the book!
alwynhamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
Wow, thank you for such a generous giveaway! I'd already pre-ordered it in a frenzy of excitement - it's worth the international charges. xx
Jennifer Allan
Looking forward to reading this book. What a great idea! And a critical review of my book? Nowthat's better than chocolate.:)
Thanks for the opportunity, Andrea Jones
Count me in, I just placed my order!
Nicole Feldl
This is SUCH a cool contest, for an awesome sounding book! And a great way to support a great bookstore! Awesome all around!
Elizabeth Keenan
ekkeenan AT gmail DOT com
Mia Beckett
& ouch $35 international shipping.
Well worth the chance at a full MS crit.
Woo hoo!! Preordered baby!
Sarah Ahiers
sarah.ahiers@gmail.com (though the email i used to preorder is falen1@comcast.net)
I've heard so many people talking about this book on twitter and blogs-- thanks for the extra incentive to order from BOW! (Can they squeeze some of their infamous bacon brownies in the box?)
C. Isabel Bandeira
c(dot) isabel (dot) bandeira (at) gmail (dot) com
pre-ordered and looking forward to a good read!
Kate Bassett
Can't wait to read this one!
Michelle Levy
Yay! This is great - although the book and the map are so reward enough!!
Trisha Leigh Ziegenhorn
trishaleighkc at gmail dot com
I am too excited to be witty, but I assure you I am ecstatic for every bit of this!
Jessica Collins
jcoll043 (at) odu (dot) edu
This is singularly my most anticipated read of this year - LOVE secondary world fantasy and epic world-building, and everything I've heard about this sounds like it was written just for me!
I normally would just purchase the Kindle edition and read on midnight the day of release, lol, but the chance for a Joanna critique is enough to make me hold out and wait for the hardcover to be shipped. C'est la vie.
kalenodonnell (at) gmail (dot) com
What an amazing contest! I was planning on buying this book anyway. Thank you so much for the opportunity for the MS critique.
Tristina Wright
Awesome contest for a book I was excited to buy in the first place. Win-win indeed! Count me in.
Sarah Guillory
This is not only a great oppurtunity for writers, but an awesome way to promote this book! I'm excited to read!
-Andrea Kline
And to think...I was going to pick this book up anyway!
Paul Adams
What a great promotion and I can't wait to read Shadow and Bone!
John Sullivan
Pre-ordered! Yay! Thanks for such a great opportunity :o)
*Fingers crossed*
sblair6 [at] gmail [dot] com
christine mtheorynovel com
add the ole at and dot, please.
I so wanted to enter this contest because I have a book that's ready to submit, and I think Leigh is wonderful (and brilliant and funny). But I've just had brain surgery to remove a huge tumor, and $35 shipping to Canada is just too expensive for me right now. I'll buy instead from my local indie.
Good luck to everyone else!
Love the whole package that you get with the book! My kids will flip over the map and button.
I'm crossing my fingers, toes, arms, legs, and other things I shouldn't mention, for the ms critique!
timbarzyk at gmail dot com
Very cool contest. Looking forward to reading this book. The trailer looks great!
Jessica Brice
What an awesome contest! Excited about the book and the chance to win!
Posted twice, I'm so excited.
Jay Mackey
jaymackey (at) mktinc (dot) com
I preordered! katebrauning(at)gmail(dot)com
I was going to wait to buy my copy at the launch party and let the non-locals have a chance at the Books of Wonder copies, but then with the map, and THEN WITH THE CRITIQUE! You sure know how to bait a hook! I'm in! :)
Julia Shahin Collard
Ordered it as a present for a friend! (Saves me the international shipping fee, too!) :D
Jaime Lawrence
Looks like a fun read -- and I love getting packages in the mail! Yay! :)
Katrina Carrasco
katrina (dot) carrasco (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for hosting this, and tweeting about it -- just got in under the wire! I've heard awesome things about this book. Can't wait to read it!
Laurie Dennison
I can't wait to read it!
Lori Brewerton
Books! I preordered last week while I was in the Books of Wonder area. And then, I shook my impotent fist at the lovely people at the registers because they had already gotten to read it! And they fangirled so hard.
Rebecca Yeager
RebeccaCYeager (at) gmail (dot) com
Just placed my order. Thanks!
Abigail Johnson
I pre ordered the book 5 minutes ago and kept having trouble commenting until now. I hope it's not too late! Excited to both read the book + enter the contest! -mc foley
Any chance you'll still let me enter? I'll blame the subway for making me late. Or the humidity. It's making everything in NYC slower than the bag lady on fourteenth street today. Either way, I just placed my pre-order, so thanks for that. Buying a good book is always a win. Although a manuscript critique would be nice, too :)
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