Aug 2, 2011

Boy Sees Hearts Contest!

We are super excited to share with you agency client Eric Telchin's Boy Sees Heart contest!

While hosting a party at his home in 2009, Eric spilled chocolate ice cream on his kitchen counter. He noticed that the puddle formed the shape of a heart and he grabbed his iPhone to snap a picture. Since then, Eric has seen thousands of hearts in the unlikeliest places, on everything from egg yolks to palm trees.

He photographs these hearts and transforms them into abstract and representational art. Within a year of launching his web site,, his artwork has been recognized on network prime time television and featured in magazines, newspapers, blogs and luxury retail web sites.

And Eric is offering up an original print of the heart that started it all!

How do you win?

Go to and click on ENTER TO WIN
at the bottom of the page in the orange bar.


Like Boy Sees Hearts on Facebook

To increase your odds of winning dramatically, invite your friends to enter the Boy Sees Hearts Sweepstakes. If the winner lists your name as the referrer, YOU will win a signed 16”x20” museum-quality giclee print of the Boy Sees Hearts design of your choice.

A randomly selected winner will receive the grand prize
(valued at $10,000) consisting of:
1. An EXCLUSIVE signed 20″×16″ museum-quality giclee print of the first heart captured on 7/31/09 by Boy Sees Hearts Creator and Founder, Eric Telchin: The heart-shaped puddle of New York Super Fudge Chunk formed on his kitchen counter during a party. The winner will receive the very first print of this image, as it has never been offered before.

2. An EXCLUSIVE, 2nd Anniversary Heart, which Eric will find and capture with his iPhone on 7/31/11. He will dedicate this heart to the winner, and retire it from the collection permanently. Eric will sign this ONE-OF-A-KIND 16”x20” museum-quality giclee print. It will never be printed again.

A second-place winner will also receive a 16”x20” museum-quality giclee Boy Sees Hearts print signed by Boy Sees Hearts Creator and Founder, Eric Telchin.

The contest closes at 11:59 PM EDT on SUNDAY August 7, 2011.
The grand prize and second place winners will be announced on August 8, 2011.

This is an excellent opportunity to share Eric's message that beauty is everywhere and love is all around. Check us out on Thursday when Eric blogs here about his journey to reach others using social media!

Do YOU have a heart photo? Share it! Tweet at @KOrtizzle or @JoSVolpe and @BoySeesHearts. We'd love to see them!


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